Yogis, this is what we’ve been training for! You were not holding Warrior or doing your umpteenth Upward Dog in an hour to tone your butt or your arms. You’ve been training to be a warrior. To be strong and wise and even in mindset amidst a raging battle. To see clearly and steady yourself to lead …
Tag: yoga
In yoga the positions are each called “Something”-asana. Asana meaning pose or posture. Your feet go here and your hands there and your heart lifts or your finger interlace or any infinite number of bodily configurations. The poses stretch the muscles and fascia, squeeze glands and organs, strengthen the body, build endurance, balance and equanimity. …
The Real Reason We Cry in Yoga
There is not a yoga teacher that I know, myself included, who has not had the experience of bursting into tears suddenly, surprisingly, in a yoga pose. The first time I remember was in a gentle supine twist. Then in camel pose, an active back bend. It can be hip openers for some, shoulder stretches …