Loving Perspectives

What’s Your Dharma?

I remember standing at the top of my yoga mat, hands in prayer. Edward Clark told us to close our eyes. He led us to feel the energy, the consciousness within and around us. Then he said, “Now ask, ‘What’s my dharma?’ “ I heard immediately, “To guide.” We had talked about dharma earlier that …

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Life Offline

  I met my husband, John, online. Neither of us thought we would MEET someone on a dating website. So what were we doing on there?? Well, I can’t speak for him but I was trying to avail myself of all options for finding a fabulous partner, to be sure the Universe knew that it …

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Loving Perspectives

Suggestions… and more suggestions

    Find your tribe, a group of like-minded individuals Surround yourself with positive people and those who uplift you Avoid energy-sucking vampires, negative people and low-energy situations Restrict your pleasure seeking, overindulgences and excess in all forms Find a loving teacher who will point you to your own true nature And when you are …

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