My 3 yr. old daughter goes to a preschool that is part of a Methodist church. One day she came home with a little poodle toy that she “won” for knowing the bible verse of the day. I asked her, “What was the bible verse?” She said very slowly, “Put… on… love.” Oh. Put …
Tag: self love
Is There Somewhere You Can Fart Freely?
Moon Circle began over a weekend workshop (more of our Love Story is here). As it began, we all piled into a hotel room… and someone let one slip. Lori Portka declared, “We should be able to fart freely!” And so it was. My little daughter feels the same safety when it’s just …
Hey you, meet YOU.
Source: via Lisa on Pinterest Self-Worth, Self-Acceptance, Self-Confidence, Self-Love, Self-Care… and the big one, Self-Realization These words buzz around, don’t they? They sound great. I think sometimes the problem is that we don’t know the Self. WHO exactly are we accepting, loving, caring for? WHO do we want to have confidence in and trust? WHO is worthy …