This is Cassie and Patrick. I married them in an orchard on a horse ranch this past September on a glorious sun-full and love-filled day. They’re gorgeous. It was gorgeous. But more than that does a happy relationship make. I am most hopeful for them however, and I’ll tell you why. They promised each other, …
Tag: Relationships
2 Things to do to go from Single to Coupled
The other night I had a dream about a friend and former student/client of mine who has been single for more than 10 years since a divorce. She has wanted someone to share life with as long as I have known her. In my dream she had a new boyfriend who looked like Tom Cruise …
Are you feeling FAR from the one you love?
In a long term relationship we move in and out, closer and farther apart then close again. If you’re feeling far from your love at the moment, check in. Is it you? What have you been thinking about him or her? Where have you …