
Where my ego still pulls me back…

The first few lines of this prose popped into my head while folding laundry. I sat at the computer and the rest flowed out in a matter of a couple of minutes. I read it. I sent it to a wise friend of mine. She suggested that it may be a curriculum. I agree. First …

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Are you brave enough to let Love break you?

  We’re afraid. We’re afraid of the exquisite pain of loving our beloved fully. If we allowed ourselves to stay open after the initial rush of hormones and neurotransmitters subsided… we would have to break. Our hearts would break to hold the love for another who becomes our family, our every day life, our “other half”… …

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Loving Perspectives

A To-Do List for a Happy Relationship

This is Cassie and Patrick. I married them in an orchard on a horse ranch this past September on a glorious sun-full and love-filled day. They’re gorgeous. It was gorgeous. But more than that does a happy relationship make. I am most hopeful for them however, and I’ll tell you why. They promised each other, …

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