The body positive movement didn’t work for me. I tried it on. I tried to love my curves, embrace the fat. I tiptoed into virtual groups where they were doing body-love activities, or taking pictures. I can see the beauty in all of those women’s photos. They are magnificent creatures, all of them! I just …
Tag: listening to the body
The Real Reason We Cry in Yoga
There is not a yoga teacher that I know, myself included, who has not had the experience of bursting into tears suddenly, surprisingly, in a yoga pose. The first time I remember was in a gentle supine twist. Then in camel pose, an active back bend. It can be hip openers for some, shoulder stretches …
Did I tell you about the time…
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid athritis? Well, recently a friend asked me to share this story with her young relative who just heard the same diagnosis. So, I thought I would share it here in case it may help someone else. I remember that it was around Christmas time because when I woke up one …