Do you hear what your life is telling you? Would you like to? This begins a series on tuning in to Life Whispers; to those subtle and not-so-subtle nudges and notifications that Life offers us every day. This could be called Hearing God. Or Answering the Call. Or Opening to Divine Guidance. The term Life …
Tag: intuition
There is the one in our head. Our mind. Our thoughts. A ceaseless display of judgement, categorizing, concerns, plans, reminders and control. As a result our emotions are activated. Up. Down. Tranquil or tumultuous. There are the voices of others. Mainly, their thoughts. We take them in, reject them, judge them as useful, useless, infuriating, …
Meditation Warning
When Moon Circle started, the Original MoonGirls (O.M.s) were a lovely group of open-hearted, open-minded women interested in exploring their spiritual nature, their intuitive sides, their capacity for love and friendship. Our first trip together was to Lilydale for a past life regression workshop. We were led in relaxation and guided in meditation to take …