There is not a yoga teacher that I know, myself included, who has not had the experience of bursting into tears suddenly, surprisingly, in a yoga pose. The first time I remember was in a gentle supine twist. Then in camel pose, an active back bend. It can be hip openers for some, shoulder stretches …
Tag: healing
Want to add to the love in the world and help turn the tide?
Sometimes I find my Self. Genderless, ageless, faceless. Without a story or a past. Just here. “Oh look, I’m living this life now,” it thinks. I recently heard an interview with Adyashanti where he suggested that we ask, “What is it that is looking through my eyes?” I have no answer that I can express …
Here’s what I’m offering 1 on 1…
A cycle has ended. It’s a new day. I think this day was emerging for me when I took the Infinite Purpose course, knowing that I was ready for a teacher again. That led to the start of Sol Interfaith Community, and the remembrance of the joy I have in teaching, writing and leading ceremony. …