Right after graduating with a Master’s Degree in Art Therapy I took a job in a recreation department at a long-term care facility, a “nursing home”. The residents were mostly elderly and there was a floor with patients who had Alzheimer’s disease. I learned 2 important things in the (almost a) year that I worked …
Tag: happiness
6 Essential Coping Skills for Life
During my first marriage my wusband (past tense for husband, a word I adopted from a wise friend) was drinking a lot, as alcoholics do… until they don’t. In between binges or out of the fog sometimes he would have profound moments of clarity. I’ll never forget him saying just before falling asleep, drunk, one …
It’s what we BELIEVE that trumps everything.
“The mind trumps all.” I remember my teacher, Henry Grayson, telling me that ten years ago, and stories to support it. The other morning I thought of him when I heard this story on NPR, which describes how people’s metabolism sped up or slowed down because of what they believed about what they were consuming. …