The “Secret”. The law of attraction. Like attracts like. Thoughts become things. Birds of a feather… A Universal Law? I believe so. I can see it in action – in my life and in the lives of those around me. I believe our thoughts are creative. I believe that a feeling state aligned with what …
Tag: challenge
Mountains & Manifesting
Under my high school senior yearbook picture it says in quotes: Never say you should’ve, always say you did. Aside from the atrocious grammar, a good philosophy to live by. Why have regrets? Why take a brilliant invention to your grave? Why play it safe and let your …
May the Holiday Season Fill You with WONDER!
A friend recently expressed to me her concern about the upcoming holidays. She could see in her crystal ball the crazy-makings of the family addict, and the ensuing arguments andĀ heartbreak. Then there’s the partner’s ex; a whole other kind of crazy-maker, probably diagnosable as histrionic or narcissistic, possibly borderline personality, but that’s neither here nor …