Loving Perspectives

Holy Moments

  This is L J and Stephanie. They were married this past Saturday. The clouds parted for the first time all day, and the only time all weekend, for their wedding to take place. As Stephanie walked down the aisle, their classically trained guitarist friend played “Here Comes the Sun” on his acoustic guitar. “True”, …

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Loving Perspectives

Gettin’ Your Groove Back.

Last week I fell off the wagon, lost my mojo, took a wrong turn into a bad neighborhood (in my brain), and started to tailspin. I don’t know when it started because I didn’t wake up until I was knee deep in the MUCK! The muck was a lot of comparison – during which I …

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Loving Perspectives

May the Holiday Season Fill You with WONDER!

A friend recently expressed to me her concern about the upcoming holidays. She could see in her crystal ball the crazy-makings of the family addict, and the ensuing arguments andĀ heartbreak. Then there’s the partner’s ex; a whole other kind of crazy-maker, probably diagnosable as histrionic or narcissistic, possibly borderline personality, but that’s neither here nor …

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