My friend Miki Young died last year but has been oh-so-present in my mind and heart lately. When I once asked her how we can add to the Love in the world, she answered, “Well, I think we’re supposed to live, learn and share.” I’ve lived 47 years today. And for my birthday I decided …
Tag: body
Did I tell you about the time…
I was diagnosed with rheumatoid athritis? Well, recently a friend asked me to share this story with her young relative who just heard the same diagnosis. So, I thought I would share it here in case it may help someone else. I remember that it was around Christmas time because when I woke up one …
A Wish for My Daughter… and You.
I wish for you to know your Beauty your Depth your Essence as Love your whole life. I wish for you to look in the mirror and see Radiance in that earth suit for as long as you have it. I wish for you to dedicate your Life’s Energy and your precious time to Dreams …