When I was married to a drinking alcoholic I used to pray that he would stop drinking. It seemed like a logical thing to pray for — like it would solve many of “our” problems. Our relationship landed me in Al-Anon, thankfully. One day in a meeting I had a realization that although I believed …
Tag: Al-anon
47 Things I’ve Learned in 47 Years
My friend Miki Young died last year but has been oh-so-present in my mind and heart lately. When I once asked her how we can add to the Love in the world, she answered, “Well, I think we’re supposed to live, learn and share.” I’ve lived 47 years today. And for my birthday I decided …
6 Essential Coping Skills for Life
During my first marriage my wusband (past tense for husband, a word I adopted from a wise friend) was drinking a lot, as alcoholics do… until they don’t. In between binges or out of the fog sometimes he would have profound moments of clarity. I’ll never forget him saying just before falling asleep, drunk, one …