Guidance for Young (and some old) Adults

Loving Perspectives

Listening to Life Whispers: Part 2

Have you ever been watching a movie at home and you hear a noise that calls for investigation? “Shhh! What was that?” and you freeze. You pause the movie. The characters in the film are frozen too. Everyone goes silent and still to listen. Sometimes Life speaks to us in a “voice” that is in …

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Loving Perspectives

Listening to Life Whispers: Part 1

Do you hear what your life is telling you? Would you like to? This begins a series on tuning in to Life Whispers; to those subtle and not-so-subtle nudges and notifications that Life offers us every day. This could be called Hearing God. Or Answering the Call. Or Opening to Divine Guidance. The term Life …

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Dear Class of 2020

Let the coronavirus define you.  You are The Quarantined Graduates. The Class of COVID19. The ones who stayed home; who could not go out and celebrate. Remember this. Learn from it. Grow.  Change the world for the better for all of those who came before you and who wished for more compassionate policy, better care …

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