Guidance for Young (and some old) Adults


A Baby Welcoming Ceremony

In the early weeks of carrying my baby girl around in a sling or wrap on my body, the sweetest thing anyone said to her or me was, “Welcome.” It was how he said it — directly to her, in a soft voice — and who he was — a young, twenty-something man. And it …

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Who Do You Think You Are?!

So, who do you think you are anyway? A person saddled with responsibilities, navigating treachorous, unknown terrain to arrive at a place picked out for you like a pack mule on a million-mile march? A human enslaved to the mind’s thoughts to be better, thinner, stronger, faster like a bionic woman or man created by crazed …

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Loving Perspectives

Why I Am Not Praying for You

When I was married to a drinking alcoholic I used to pray that he would stop drinking. It seemed like a logical thing to pray for — like it would solve many of “our” problems. Our relationship landed me in Al-Anon, thankfully. One day in a meeting I had a realization that although I believed …

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