God Within Me And Around Me, All That Is Good and Holy, I offer you this day and this life. All that I have is yours. I promise to do my best to surrender the reigns today. Take them, Krishna, and guide me like you did Arjuna. I admit that I do not know the …
Category: Prayers
Closer to Love
Periodically (and yesterday), seemingly out of the blue, I receive in the mail, at any of a number of places of business or at home… beautiful Thank You notes. Love notes, really, explaining a process that a student or client went through. Some of which I knowingly witnessed, some of which was the internal transformation …
A Ritual and Prayer for the Birthday of a Deceased Loved One
This prayer came to me at 3:30 in the morning a week or so ago…. along with the date March 7th. I got up and wrote it down. I think it is meant for the birthday of a loved one who has passed, but would also fit for the anniversary of their death. A simple …