
How to not get divorced over stupid stuff.

My husband and I annoy each other. Not all the time, thankfully. But I leave lights on, and like a lot of light. He can see in the dark with his light blue eyes, and walks around after me turning off lights to save money. I prefer the dirty dishes in the sink, while he …

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How do you nurture your spirit if you have no religion?

Halfway through the first year of interfaith seminary I was adrift. I was feeling disconnected from yoga, my most recent spiritual practice of choice, in part due to its seeming requirement for veganism. I was vegetarian, mostly vegan, and had no problem with eating that way. I just resisted the idea that it was a …

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5 Steps to Making 2017 the BEST. YEAR. EVER.

It’s not about resolving, getting a FitBit, setting a goal or quitting anything. You don’t have to join a program, invest lots of money or lose any weight. Here is what I propose: 1.) Let it go. Yep, cue Idina Menzel. Just like in the movie, Frozen, where Elsa let go of her fears, the …

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