Loving Perspectives


In yoga the positions are each called “Something”-asana. Asana meaning pose or posture. Your feet go here and your hands there and your heart lifts or your finger interlace or any infinite number of bodily configurations. The poses stretch the muscles and fascia, squeeze glands and organs, strengthen the body, build endurance, balance and equanimity. …

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Loving Perspectives

May Our Spiritual Endeavors Serve the World

Your spiritual path is not for yourself. Don’t lose sight of that if you start practicing yoga, or meditating, or studying with an enlightened teacher. Insights may begin to come. You may know things, see the future or auras, attune to the medical or physical needs in others, or experience any number of “special”, though …

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Loving Perspectives

Don’t Set an Intention…Yet.

Wait! Before you make a resolution, set an intention or bust out those scissors for a vision board, check this! Is your resolution a punishment?  Does your intention insult who you are now? Are you coming from a place of desperation and unwittingly validating your fears? Are you perpetuating the belief that you are not …

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