Loving Perspectives

Calm the F@#% down.

  I am usually calm, and calming. Not always. I used to do this thing when my parents were coming to visit. I would have lots to do, and get, and clean in preparation… and then I would add “I have to wash the dogs.” Finally, my husband pointed out , “You don’t have to …

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Loving Perspectives

Do it for someone else.

Sometimes leading yoga class I have the students pair up to begin. They sit back-to-back with their partner (whom they may have just met). They breathe together. Then they dedicate their practice to one another. I encourage them to really offer it, to wish that any benefits go to the other – considering that “they …

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Loving Perspectives

Your Wake Up Call – from Your Self

  Hey You, this is your True Self talking!   Wake up! Wake up! You’re dreaming! Your dreaming that you are not ready. You’re dreaming that you are not good enough. You’re dreaming that you are not worthy of love from others and your self.   Your struggle is not real. It’s a delusion. Everything …

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