Do you have that quiet inner voice that whispers to you in moments of silence or relaxation or in meditation?
I don’t. I have a rather abrupt, kinda loud voice that drops instructions like bombs, or dictates pieces of writing, prayers and blessings. I guess we each get the voice we need, the one that can get through.
“50 sermons by 50,” the voice said.
I did the calculations. I will turn 50 in 50 weeks. I agreed. I committed. I am going to record 50 short SoL sermons before my 50th birthday. So, I’ll be posting one each week. Below is the first one, on Embodying the Moment — a simple process to get present, to relax, to center. To Embody the Moment is like a tiny retreat, a mini vacation from your mind-made stress. Maybe you don’t need a vacation, just more of this!
I remember going away for the weekend with my husband when he had a very demanding job. I insisted that we go away so he could relax. Spoiler alert: It was a miserable weekend. He was worried about what was not getting done. He was unable to be present.
A daily moment of presence can be more powerful than a week away from your home and work. Practiced regularly it can lead to a new way of being in the world, a fresh perspective, less stress and connection to a deep wisdom.
Ready? Watch below. And let me know what you think!