I love a fresh start, a new beginning, a clean slate. I always loved the start of a school year and covering my new textbooks in clean brown paper from shopping bags, folded and tucked just so. Ahhhh!
So I love a NEW YEAR! I feel compelled like many to reflect, intend, aim. I shy away from the word “resolution”, however. It somehow seems to connote goals based upon current flaws , struggles to change things, force, shame, reliance on self-will alone and ego traps.
My solution then is intention based on Love, the idea that we are whole, the allowing of Divine help, the knowledge that all things are possible and the belief that we are worthy of all Good.
I give a few examples in this video of ways to phrase such an intention. It may be a small, subtle change but a tiny shift in attitude and perspective can change everything! I remember discovering through yoga that I could love my body and keep it healthy… rather than need to hate my body to motivate myself to work it out until it was smaller or lighter or tighter, and then maybe love it. That was “Ahhh” too. Or maybe “Ah-ha!” Either way, I hope this inspires a loving start to your year.
Many Blessings, Friends.