Do you hear what your life is telling you?
Would you like to?
This begins a series on tuning in to Life Whispers; to those subtle and not-so-subtle nudges and notifications that Life offers us every day.
This could be called Hearing God. Or Answering the Call. Or Opening to Divine Guidance. The term Life Whispers came to me recently, in a whisper, and although I don’t know all the parts to this series, I feel like They have a lot to say about it. I am trusting that the pieces will come as I go along.
That’s the first part – Trust.
Why would you listen to someone you don’t trust? Would you take the advice of someone you don’t trust, believe in or respect?
So I think it’s important to establish on the outset that hearing Divine Wisdom requires a trust, the idea, or at least an inkling, that there is something greater than oneself – even if that is just the whole of life of which we are a small part and a harmony in the bigger picture which we are not able to see.
You develop this trust from noticing when you are guided, given information or receive intuitive knowing.
I don’t think you need blind faith. There are plenty of experiences that show us that we are not alone, forsaken or dropped here with only our five senses and bare bodies to protect us.
Haven’t you ever had a feeling about someone that turned out to be spot on?
Haven’t you had intuitive “hits”?
Haven’t you had just what or who you needed show up at the right time?
Haven’t you heard from loved ones who have passed on in dreams, symbols or special signs?
Haven’t you learned from challenges big and small?
Life Whispers. From something greater than oneself.
Our trust strengthens the relationship. It opens our eyes to how Life is trying to teach and guide us with everything from a challenging coworker to a global pandemic. We start to see that All is kindness. All is for our growth and learning.
Our trust leads to more Ease and Peace. We remember to ask for help during the difficult times. I have begun to talk out loud to my angels and guides, to whomever may be able to help, when struggling with something.
Then the help arrives. I notice it. I thank Them. This further strengthens trust and the relationship.
The help may be in any form; such as a person coming into my life, an idea coming into my head, the resolution of a problem without me lifting a finger or the clarity about what action to take.
Life Whispers.
If you would like to hear them, begin to notice. Acknowledge them. Say “Thanks.”

In this series there is more to come on specific types of Life Whispers and how to tune in or tone the muscles to “hear” each one. Stay tuned, and please share if you found this helpful and think that others may benefit.
Thank you.