
It’s not a baby, but in 9 months…

IT’S NOT A BABY… but it was conceived of late at night in my bed, and in 9 months it will be here!
I awoke suddenly and thought “Yoga in the Wilds! A yoga festival…” to bring together all of the great yoga teachers and resources for healthy living in this beautiful area, so the community can see who they are and enjoy a day in this spectacular wilderness. The proceeds will go back into the community, to an agency serving the Pa Wilds.
I contaced a couple of teachers who said “110% yes!”
I contacted a venue who said “Great idea!”
And the doors open like that — like when I told my yoga teacher 14 years ago I wanted to get certified to teach and she said, “Let’s open a studio.” And today that beautiful, thriving center is packed full of students as Sri Dharma Mittra leads master classes. I saw a live video a few minutes ago.
Listening to my heart’s true desires, to what is a 110% YES!, to what I truly want to do with this life now, engages a Magic that I stand in awe of. Angels rally around, on earth and beyond.
Not just for me. For you too.
I remember reading a Mike Dooley quote that explained how “getting your ducks in a row” is actually a misunderstood concept because the mother duck, if you watch her, does not line the duckings up and then cross the street or go to the pond. She starts out and they fall in line behind her.

What if everything would line up for you?

What if the Universe/God/Angels are conspiring to help if you just take a first step?

What would you do?

The talented Gabrielle Orcutt created this lovely design for the festival.
She will be there leading Buti Yoga to live African drumming!  
110% yes!

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