Two days ago Elephant Journal (which I love and had been saying for years that I want to write for) accepted a submission of mine! That same night they posted it.
In case you’re not familiar they are a mindful online magazine/media outlet with over 8 million readers. Cool, right?
They sent me an email suggesting ways to promote my article with them and how to engage with readers, comment, etc. They also said “Don’t be discouraged by meanie comments, it’s the internet. ;)”
They chose my article as a “Staff Pick” the first day. Then it got so many views it moved to “Popular Lately” on their front page. And many of my sweet friends and strangers shared it on social media.
I am so happy. I truly hope that its words resonate and enlighten and somehow add to the Love in the world.
Here’s the BUT… I found myself cringing each time I clicked on comments posted under my article. Were they going to be mean and hurtful? Could I take it? A couple of them were less than nice — just disagreeing or not appreciative. Most of them were grateful and gracious and complimentary. I engaged with funny, gentle souls and new friends from far-off places.
And last night my thoughtful 6-year-old girl said out of the blue (though maybe not), “Mom, I think there are more kind people in the world than mean people.”
I agree, Honey. I agree.

I am so happy our readers loved your piece – but I knew they would. Well done. 🙂
Thank you Cat.
as a marriage commissioner I have celebrated over 1000 weddings over the last 20 years. Your article is exactly what I wish I could say but much of this is touched on in our planning sessions. Love your blog and approach.
Someone at a wedding I did recently said to me “you didn’t mention god at all.” My response- “how many Times did I say the word love. I have read somewhere that god is love.”
Love your work.
Thank you Jerry, for taking the time and your kind words. “I read somewhere that God is love” – 🙂 Awesome.
Many Blessings.