
Where my ego still pulls me back…

The first few lines of this prose popped into my head while folding laundry. I sat at the computer and the rest flowed out in a matter of a couple of minutes. I read it. I sent it to a wise friend of mine. She suggested that it may be a curriculum. I agree.

First we step out of victim mode.
We let go of blaming others.
We stop relying on outside circumstance for our happiness.
We take responsibility.
We acknowledge that we always have choices.
Then we gain the courage to dream and imagine.
We take steps.
Things manifest.
Ease comes.
We dance with The Creative Force.
She smiles.
Next we acquire Knowing.
We see that that Force is Love,
that It is with us always,
that all is well as it is.
Yet we continue manifesting,
to bring into existence
that which our mind and heart uniquely conceives;
serving The Whole
with the unblocked flow
of ideas,
information and
We are awake,
in love,
in God,
This is a great service to the world.
It is needed
because from this place all Healing comes.

Perhaps it’s just for me, or it may help someone else to see it this way – to see our lives, our selves in evolution. Although, I know for me it’s not definitive or linear. I vacillate between feelings of flow and connection and being pulled back by my ego. My sticking points seem to be how much love and attention I think I am receiving, and the perceived imperfection of my physical body. If my husband walks in the door from work and walks past me without a hello and a kiss, I am gone – unloved, abandoned, in a sad world of my own making. I am back in that world when last summer’s shorts are tight or I glimpse a bulge in the mirror.

But on a good day, I am open to a Great Love that knows no abandonment or imperfection and that I am ready to follow as a Guide in my everyday activities and in exciting new adventures.

May you feel connected as well, to something that gives Joy and Meaning to your day.



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