Loving Perspectives Moon Circle

I Am Not a Chair.



Once upon a time I ran a lovely yoga center with a great business partner. During the first couple of years, I recall a gentleman asking me what I do. I said that I co-owned CNY Yoga Center. He asked, “Is that all you do?”


Later, I remember fuming. I wondered if he would have asked me that if I were a man saying that I owned a business, and other such pointless thoughts went through my head. I was SO annoyed by that little question!

This all came back to me recently after meeting up with an old friend who also has small children and  used to own her own fitness studio. We talked about struggling with wanting to contribute more and in other ways besides motherhood – while also acknowledging the important, awesome job of being present for our kids and imparting them our beliefs and values.

Heck, even as a mother I often think, “But I only have the one. I should be able to keep the house clean, have everything together, work as a minister and yoga teacher, blah, blah, blah…”

And when we had 2 yoga centers and I had a private counseling practice at the same time, I was still looking to do more, create more, give, share.

When that memory popped into my head the other day, of the man asking if that’s ALL I do, I had a small epiphany. In Al-Anon I learned that no one can make you feel something that you don’t already feel about yourself (Click to Tweet!).

The speaker in the meeting where I first heard that said “If I told you that you are a chair, would you be offended? No. Because you’re not a chair.”

I was only offended by the question because it was already in my head! I didn’t think I was doing enough. I still don’t fully believe that I am doing enough.

But I do know that a belief like that can only disturb my peace, and sometimes does.

I know that it would not matter how much more I managed to DO, I still would not have the Doing Enough feeling – not without changing my mind.

So this is one of the things I will be working on during the Peaceful Heart New Moon Journey. Yes, I will be working on myself too.

So if you want a perfected teacher, don’t join me. 😉

If you have your own beliefs, thoughts or past to let go of to be more at peace, then do.

Wishing you peace.

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