We’re afraid.
We’re afraid of the exquisite pain of loving our beloved fully.
If we allowed ourselves to stay open
after the initial rush of hormones and neurotransmitters subsided…
we would have to break.
Our hearts would break
to hold the love for another who becomes
our family,
our every
our “other half”…
One who gives us gifts like
opportunities to grow.
To see the perfection and beauty in it all
might be so bright that
our eyes would burn,
we’re afraid.
So we pick
and poke one another instead.
We seek
reasons for our tiredness
or annoyance,
proof of transgression,
all things less than love
that are easier on the eyes
and the heart.
We save the great pain for the end.
We can cry then
and everyone will understand.
How would we explain crying every day
over the sight of his smile,
or the sound of her laugh,
or over dinner?