Spirit Divine,
Source of All Good,
Flow through me.
Fill me with light…
so warm that all resistance melts away,
so bright that all I see is my blindingly beautiful reflection in others,
so true that all of my righteous thoughts become laughable.
May I then begin to love…
my self as I do a dear friend,
my life as I have a beloved teacher,
those around me and those I meet as angels here on Earth.
May You then use me.
Use my gifts and talents…
my connections,
my experiences,
my desires,
my body,
and my voice
to spread Your Love throughout the world.
This Prayer to Love came through me last year when Lori Portka and I wanted to add a little bonus to our 2013 Year of Love Calendar. Combined with her artwork it made a beautiful poster which came with the calendars.
Good news! We wanted you to have it as a FREE printable… so you could save it, share it, say it out loud. Just click on the pic below:

More good news! Lori’s 2014 Happiness through Art calendar is available already… And it’s GORGEOUS.