Loving Perspectives

How to have Sweet Dreams, all the time.




We have been combatting the I’m-scared-at-bedtime-routine in our house.

She comes out of her room after going to bed or yells “MOM!” or “DAD!”, then after depleting all of her resources in the form of reasons she needs us, she turns to, “I’m scared.” Maybe she is. Maybe she isn’t. (She’s 4… and pretty smart.) Either way we just want some down time before turning in ourselves.

The other night I decided to teach her thought-monitoring. I told her she was scared because she kept thinking she was scared, and that she could think something else. I suggested what I tell her every night as the last thing before I leave the room, and what I tell my yoga students as they lay in savasana before I let silence overtake them:

You are safe, and all is well.

In this moment,

whatever may be happening in your life,

no matter the transitions that are occurring,

the lessons underway,

the beginnings,

the endings,

the rearranging,




or nothingness…

there is no need to be afraid.

If you drop into Right Now,

a tiny blip of a moment that defies time because it Always Is,

you’re OK.

Feel that?


My daughter came up with her own thought – “I could ask God to lay with me”, she said. Great idea. Now go to bed.

The next morning she came into my bedroom and reported, “I asked God to lay with me, and She did!” There are so many things I love about that sentence.

Sweet dreams, All…. day and night.


P.S. – If you want to get over thoughts that are making you afraid, anxious, resentful or otherwise disturbing your peace try reading the books of my teacher Henry Grayson, or Byron Katie, or contact me for healing sessions. 

2 thoughts on “How to have Sweet Dreams, all the time.”

  1. Lisa — you have no idea how often your messages come at a time when they are particularly relevant to me. Thank you for your kind and healing words.

  2. I love your healing thoughts, Lisa. You have a great gift of of speaking from the heart, and at the same time dispensing guidance and inspiration.

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