
Widening the Circle Pledges

When I interviewed 21 Teachers of Love for the Widen the Circle Summit back in January, I asked them all

“How can we add to the Love in the world?”

The answers were varied and gorgeous and True. And yet I felt like there were two answers in essence:

1. Go within and connect.

2. See our connectedness in the world.

I am down with that. So down. My efforts go there. My allegiance is there.

And into my head popped:





Where does your allegiance lie? Who or what are you dedicated to?





2 thoughts on “Widening the Circle Pledges”

  1. Yes, so perfect. I like this so much better than the ‘what are you willing to die for’ question so often pressed on people….what are you willing to live for – where are your allegiances. I recently saw a private school that had everyone take three ‘pledges of allegiance’ at the start of the day. While I may not agree with their choice of pledges, this has let me look at that experience with new eyes. What if the students were all encouraged to craft there own. Mine? my allegiance is to Love and when in doubt – love more. Thank you for this post!

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