I sleep with my eyes open.
(Ok, some of you know – like my brothers who mocked me about it as a child when I fell asleep in the car.)
Actually, I never close my eyes. I’m an “incomplete blinker”. It leads to “exposure keratopathy”. In other words, it dries the hell out of my eyes! I CAN close my eyes if I try to, if I think about it, if you have a surprise for me and say “Close your eyes!”…. but that doesn’t happen much, does it?
Recently I got a new eye doctor, since I moved to a new town. He suggested plugging my tear ducts, with little plastic plugs, so that the tears will stay in my eyes. Like clogging up the gutters. Seriously.
I am telling you all this to say that the body speaks to us.
Its issues are signs and symptoms. My go-to book for this is You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay. It includes a list of body parts, symptoms and syndromes, their probable emotional causes, and a new affirming thought pattern to adopt for healing. I had looked up eyes before. I knew it was about seeing clearly, seeing with love, being willing to look at one’s life. I don’t remember looking up “dry eyes” before though. I did today.
Probable causes: Anger. Unforgiveness.
There was more but that’s the gist, which is not surprising because all of the symptoms I look up for myself turn out to be about anger and resentment. Since eye dryness is an ongoing, since-I-can-remember issue for me I am going to assume that it’s about me. Seeing myself with angry eyes… Not forgiving myself…
Here is the new thought pattern she suggests (with myself inserted):
I willingly forgive myself. I breathe life into my vision for myself and see myself with compassion and understanding.
I wrote it down. I am taking it on as a mantra today.
I believe we can interpret our own bodies as well. I believe doctors can help us. I believe it is smart to work on an issue on all levels – the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual…
but I’m not doing the plugs, thanks anyway. Artificial tears in a bottle will do.
What is your body telling you?
What attitude or thought pattern do you think needs to change for healing?
I’m happy to look up an issue in the book for you if you’d like – or a few so you might see a common theme as I did. You can get the App and look up your symptoms, too. Or join me for Mind-Body Healing on April 24th and I’ll guide you in the discovering and clearing. It would be my honor to witness.
May we be open to health and healing and Self Love.