I am usually calm, and calming. Not always.
I used to do this thing when my parents were coming to visit. I would have lots to do, and get, and clean in preparation… and then I would add “I have to wash the dogs.” Finally, my husband pointed out , “You don’t have to wash the dogs. It’s just you adding another thing to your list to stress over.”

Oh. Yeah. Well, if I didn’t have enough things on the list to be freaking out over, then I would just be freaking out… for some reason.. or for no reason. That would be crazy.
So, I get it. There is old anxiety. There is mind-made anxiety. There is genetic anxiety (yes, you can inherit it. Thanks, Grandma!).
There is worry about measuring up / failing / succeeding / losing people / losing love / being hurt / suffering pain / dying.
There is hunger that turns into panic and anger. (Or is this just me? From the time I get hungry you have about 10 minutes to find me something to eat or I start to get ornery and all rationalization leaves me. My husband carries granola bars.)
But like I said, usually I am calm. And people say I am calming. Maybe part of it is nature and personality. It’s also the yoga, meditation, EFT I have done on myself, and breathing.
And I hold beliefs and perspectives that help me stay stable and connected to a calm core through the turbulence that Life can be.
Try these on to calm the F@&% down (all Tweet-able with one click):
There is plenty of time.
This is a belief and a mantra. I believe that I have plenty of time in this life to accomplish things. It doesn’t all have to happen right now. I think that Divine timing plays into my life as well, so maybe something is to happen at a different time than what I would choose. Then, there is the everyday to-do and go-to list… some things will get done today, some won’t. That is Ok. And saying “I have plenty of time” as a mantra on my way somewhere when I didn’t leave early helps me feel better and seems to work it out so that I get there right when I need to.
All things are lessons and opportunities for growth.
I look at Life as my teacher, and my purpose for being here to evolve my Soul. So it’s all fodder for my growth if I use it, whatever happens.
Feelings won’t kill me.
I physically allow feelings… and I feel them intensely and physically in my body. They move through me, teach me, change me, but haven’t killed me yet. (Besides, number 5.)
I am not alone.
I believe in a team of angels assigned to my life, spirit guides, dead ancestors trying to help, a loving Spirit that lives in all things and that speaks to me from inside and outside. I can ask for help from any of these… and from my family and friends, and strangers if necessary.
We never die.
I don’t think I have ever been afraid of dying, even though I hear that is the second most common fear after public speaking. I never thought “Dead is dead. You’re worm food and it’s over.” That just didn’t resonate. I may have been worried about other people in my life dying. Not now. My best friend is a medium. I have felt the presence of those who have crossed over, talked to them in dreams and am sure they live on in a different form. It’s like they are in another room or they moved. We can’t see them (well, I haven’t), but they exist. And we can communicate. My friend, Gayle, lost her son and found this was true.
Love is what matters.
I know that on my death bed or in the afterlife I won’t regret time spent giving, loving, hugging, laughing, praying, smiling, touching, giggling, coloring, sharing, dancing, helping or feeling. And I don’t want to regret time spent worrying, fretting, freaking out, cleaning, stressing, judging, fighting, resisting, restricting, hoarding, struggling, or resenting.
Aww, thanks Babcia. I found a couple type-o’s and tried to fix em before you got the post! LOL
Aww, thanks Babcia. I found a couple type-o’s and tried to fix em before you got the post! LOL
I’m right there with you Lisa. Good list. Fabulous. You touched on every trigger for me, and brought laughter into this Thursday. Thank you!
But can I push back on #5?
We do die. Grief is real, and it’s the planet I’ve lived on since my soulmate Robert ‘died’ last March. And UGH! – that first anniversary is creeping in. I’m the first one to say I feel every experience deeply too, and I squeeze meaning out of the very last drop. But, I’m not so dramatic that this heart-rending journey has been of my own making, or for my own earthly experience and soul stretching. Gayle’s experience too. Wow.
While your loving words are very comforting – eventually – it’s not as simple for me right now as ‘going into another room’… Loss of a loved one can be the most difficult experience we face. Some never recover. Knowing our loved ones live on, transitioned from incarnate to spirit is truthful and healing – in time.
Facing, feeling, and finding meaning in our living in [and living out] our identity after a death is an amazing opportunity for relationship with the Divine realms… Maybe this is for another blog? I put an intention of positive love light on this comment, and wonder…
Can we redefine death? …as a very real parting, sometimes a traumatic tearing, sometimes a peaceful sending, but a meaning-full parting indeed.
In love, maggie
I agree, Maggie. It’s Transformation, for us and them.
I guess I mean by “we never die” that it is not an end with nothing after. It’s a new life, transformed, changed… for them and us. That’s not to say it’s joyful or positive. If my husband or daughter died I would be flat out for who knows how long… and I’d be Ok with that. I think you are moving through and on with such Grace and Love. He must be proud.
I love “Facing, feeling, and finding meaning in our living in [and living out] our identity after a death is an amazing opportunity for relationship with the Divine realms…”
Thank you. <3
thanks Lisa. I believe he is proud of me. 🙂
just pushing back so we don’t minimize that empty space… for everyone who’s grief is bigger than their ability [or desire] to breathe… Love, m
Hi Lisa!
God calms me down. Also teaching three children’s Yoga classes back to back to back. AHHHH
I Love reading your Blog. Thanks for brightening my day!
Love and Peace,
Nancy Bradley
Sweet, Nancy. Thank you. <3