
The Interview with Rolf Gates that you will never see… and other follies

This is a big week for me. The Widen the Circle Summit! Something I conceived of almost a year ago – an online spiritual summit to benefit a great cause, to help starving babies, to add to the love in the world. I had heard of and participated in many online summits that were free – basically to advertise and add to the hosts’ email list – and I thought ‘why can’t people make a donation to some great organization to be part of a summit, to hear wise and loving teachers.’

And so it is. It’s happening this week. You can donate and get access anytime. The videos and audios will be up until the end of the month so you haven’t missed anything yet.

Let me tell you what else happened. One of the last interviews I had scheduled was with master yoga teacher, author, and one of my heroes, Rolf Gates. It was 2 weeks ago. It took months of emails between his wife and I to fit me into his schedule. I was thrilled! He said right away that we had to get to it. His time was limited. Ok, I was ready! And we had an amazing talk. He shared many insights. We got off the Skype call and I knew instantly that I hadn’t recorded it. I’m still pretty embarrassed about it. You can see the video that I made of myself the next day, at the end of this post.

Also, I inadvertantly angered someone on Facebook. I made an Event on FB of the Summit, to get the word out more, reach my former seminary classmates, raise more money for The Girl Effect. Well, a lovely friend must have invited her friends. One of those friends was not interested and must have had all of the postings from the event being pushed to her email (you can turn that off BTW – I did!). She yelled at me in a post within the Summit event page. I was sort of traumatized.

AND I spent the first day of the Summit mostly trying to avoid my little daughter, ignoring the dishes and the laundry, and wishing I had my own apartment to get all of the work done and present the Summit professionally. I feel guilty… and torn. Perhaps I should just surrender to having a small child and a husband who works hard and be an amazing Stay-At-Home-Mom… although I want to give and do and teach. It seems too hard to do both sometimes. Maybe I could be great at one rather than feeling like I’m failing at both.

During all of this I am listening to the recorded interviews again as I ready them for the Summit. I am on the phone and online with spiritual teachers daily. I hear what I need when I need it…

in Navjit Kandola‘s words, encouraging me to back myself, to let go of limiting beliefs, to question the mind stuff and be with the present moment whatever it’s bringing,

in Marie Manuchehri‘s advice to stop, drop into my body and feel throughout the day,

in August Gold‘s reminder to breathe consciously 5 or 6 times a day,

in my beloved teacher David Wallace‘s reminder of the beauty in everyday existence and the profound gratitude we can live with daily.

And I remember the girls who I want to support to grow up to be women whose babies aren’t starving. So I’m Ok. However this turns out, whomever partakes in the Summit, however my mind judges the results, whatever waves of emotion roll in and out… I am listening and learning. It’s perfect, really.





7 thoughts on “The Interview with Rolf Gates that you will never see… and other follies”

  1. I love you. I love your honesty…your passion and talent that you share. So you didn’t record the interview… you can share your summary in writing. And I read the fb from the angry person……that’s her stuff. Your response was appropriate, honorable and clear. She wasn’t kind but you were so wonderful that maybe you taught her something about kindness under duress…an opportunity! If you were always wearing a goofy smile saying nothing bothers you and that you don’t make errors, or have doubts – I would know you were not true. I’M SO LUCKY TO KNOW YOU AND AM GRATEFUL FOR YOUR TRUTH. Pure soul…..

  2. You are anything but an idiot. I love your honesty + vulnerability, it is so beautiful and I want you to know by you just doing this you are helping other women strap on their courage and honesty and be real online.
    I am so proud of you, this summit and your love for your work. For whatever reason, you were the only one meant to hear his interview + do know you told it to us perfectly.

    Proud of you.


  3. Beautiful post, I feel torn all the time between the work I do and the child who needs me. One quote that sticks in my head and allows me to give myself permission to chase my dreams, sometimes at the cost of a healthy meal or a tidy house is;
    My father (I sub mother instead) didn’t tell me how to live,
    He (she) lived and let me watch.

    Image the pride your little will feel when her mother can say she changed the world and made it a better place!

  4. You are such a gift and you bring so much light and love into this world. Your daughter is going to learn so much watching and learning as you do what you do to make this world worthy of her….you are an inspiration and an amazing resource. Keep on keepin’ on….the Universe has your back, right?

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