
2 Things to Add to Your To-Do List Today… but only if you want to be Happy.

1. Add “Happy” to your Netflix queue… or watch it directly from The Happy Movie website,

then grab a box of tissues and enjoy. A few things stand out in my mind from watching it recently – like the reminders to exercise and get enough sleep, the importance of family and connection.

The movie also sites research that showed that people are happier when they put more importance on intrinsic values (personal growth, loving relationships, service to others) rather than extrinsic goals (money, image, notoriety). Which leads to number…

2. Register for The Widen the Circle Summit,

and get a chance to work on all 3 of those intrinsic value that lead to happiness!

  • You’ll be serving others by donating to The Girl Effect to get access to the Summit.
  • You’ll be working on your own personal and spiritual growth by taking in the wisdom of the teachers presenting in the Summit who were asked, among other things, “How can we best add to the Love in the world?”
  • You’ll have a chance to interact with others interested in creating and having a peaceful, loving existence on my FB page as we chat about what we hear and experience this coming week.


Hope to “see” you there.

Wishing you Happiness.



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