This is Jenna of The Waitress making I Hate My Husband Pie… “You take bittersweet chocolate and don’t sweeten it. You make it into a pudding and drown it in caramel”.
Sarcastic Yumm! I’ve made that one before. Actually, the occasional text goes around amongst my girlfriends… simply: “Making pie.” We know it doesn’t taste good yet we make it and choke it down. It’s the same with any strong negative emotion. It feels bad, tastes bad, hurts only us and yet we ingest it at times. We wallow in it other times. We cling to it on occasion, or store it for later.
Lately I have had a few big bites of I Want to Be Like Her Pie. It’s pretty gross. It’s sour, and kind of spicy. Stings a little. But then… way down toward the bottom… there is a sweetness. Like a layer of Oreo cream right above the crust. It’s this:
I’m jealous because I have a desire to be that impactful, to help others, to free the masses, to be of great service.
Mmmm, that’s good stuff.
And after realizing that, I got two great messages – thanks to Social Media Angels. One was – and I can’t find anyone in particular to credit for this – “Don’t compare your beginning to someone else’s middle.”
The other one was a new post by Danielle LaPorte, one of the very objects of my envy! It’s a post and a video about remembering ‘What you have pulled off’. Holy cow! I got degrees and certifications, started a business with a friend, left a 20 year relationship, opened to a new marriage, had a baby without pain meds, went to seminary while breastfeeding, and listened to my heart and messages from my angels along the way that have led me to write and create amazing things that I feel I can only partially take credit for.
I needed that. I need to hold on to what I have done, alone and with the help of Divine and earthly guidance. I think I’ll make an I Can Do Anything pie to have around, especially now as I nurture Moon Circle and am birthing the Widen the Circle Summit. I’ll just have to be careful not to grab the Who Do I Think I Am pie when I reach into the fridge. Maybe I’ll just throw that one out.
Are you making pie today? How is it?
This is a timely reminder for me about false comparisons and false expectations…of myself and others. I love the analogy. What you contribute every day through your work is so valuable and you have already helped me…and so many others, I’ve no doubt! Love this post!
Some of us may even be jealous of YOU, dear Lisa 🙂