I had heard before visiting the Grand Canyon that it makes you feel SO small! I imagined that to be true given the comparison in the size of our bodies and the body of the canyon.
Then I went there. It was my 40th birthday. I made my then-boyfriend-now-husband get up before dawn so we could get to the canyon and get one of the first buses to the edge – to a vantage point – to watch the sun rise. It was amazing to be introduced to the canyon little by little as the sun came up. I was allowed to absorb it slowly… digest it… sitting quietly with my beloved. I sat in a lovely state of presence, and later walked down a few miles into the canyon in presence.
And you know what? I felt BIG.
I breathed. I walked. I sensed and saw the immense glory around me… but it also seemed to be in me… no different from me… part of me… connected to me. I’m not small. I’m huge! Alive. Awesome. Powerful.
We are part of the wholeness of the earth, at least.
One with it, possibly.
Interdependent, for sure.
Recent discussions I’ve had with friends about Earth Day, hydrofracking, sustainable living, working, eating and trying to be a “conscious” human have brought many questions up in my mind about how we are living. Are we harming ourselves? What are the best, most loving practices? What is the Truth?
I’m not saying I have any answers. I just have a prayer. A short prayer – a request for help, for guidance, for Divine wisdom as we walk on the earth…
God, Please help us. Save us from our greed, short-sightedness, ignorance, fear and pettiness. May we overcome these as a species and radiate nothing but Your Love. Amen.Photo of the Grand Canyon at sunrise by John Miranda found here
May it be so!
🙂 Thanks for reading, Maggie.