I recently sat down (via the magic of Skype) with the radiant Kellie Adkins, for an interview for her Intuitive Eating series. We talked about our children, our practices, our bodies, our health, food and inner wisdom. When talking about how we each had a shift at some point in our attitudes towards our bodies, Kellie hit the nail on the head when she said that we often hold an attitude of lack in that area. “I’m not good enough now… I’ll love myself when… My body needs to be more this or that…”
That attitude, unless turned around, remains even after we < lose weight / build muscle / complete the triathlon / put on our “skinny jeans” / get our foot behind our head / have “work” done >.
She asked me how I access my inner wisdom or intuition – that part of me that knows what feels good to eat and do… and also knows that I am Love Incarnate, worthy, worthwhile, lovable, vital, important, capable and blessed. It’s so helpful to go there for answers, and for the remembrance of who I truly am – to dispel the lie that I am somehow not enough yet. I described my body-centered meditation practice and where it leads me; which is back to my natural self.
I have to say also, that I have a tiny guru in the house.
At 2 years old a little girl…
dances naked
declares “I really good at singing!”
likes her hair to be “cwazy”
stops eating when she’s full
finds her body fascinating and interesting
nurses boo-boos well beyond their apparent healed state
leans on those she loves when she’s afraid
rests unapologetically on the couch when she doesn’t feel well
runs & jumps & plays with her body to see what it can do
lets out screams whenever they build up
lets the tears flow
asks for help
looks for the moon
& hugs animals
Be wise, intuitive, natural.
Feel, dance, move, play, cry, wonder, enjoy, sing, scream, rest, love & hug.

Dear Lisa,
Thank you for another beautifully written blog that gets to the heart of the matter.
Thanks Fran. <3
I loved this post, Lisa. Our children remind us what we forgot. Like the story the yogis tell about the soft spot in babies: it’s soft and open so all the wisdom from the universe can flow in.
Love that! xo
I so love your writing.
Thanks Jill. xo
I am an OSIS graduate and found your website via Libby Moore. Love this post. Thank you for the reminder.
Hi Michelle! Glad to “meet” you. Thanks for commenting. Your site looks lovely. Blessings!