The “Secret”. The law of attraction. Like attracts like. Thoughts become things. Birds of a feather…
A Universal Law? I believe so. I can see it in action – in my life and in the lives of those around me. I believe our thoughts are creative. I believe that a feeling state aligned with what I want can help to bring it about. So, laughter is healing. Love is helpful. Gratitude begets more things to be grateful for and/or opens our eyes to more to be grateful for. I believe life can be easier than we make it out to be – especially if we have a long-held belief that “Life is hard”, or some such limit. I could tell stories of my own manifestation of dreams from writing things down, speaking wishes aloud, imagining the joy of fulfillment… but I want to talk about the flip side.
I have friends and clients who have struggled with the notion that they “created their reality”, particularly when unwanted things have happened in their lives. They have taken it on to mean that they are to blame.
What about babies with cancer or other debilitating illness? I don’t believe they thought something in their young life that manifested as illness. They are not to blame. Nor are their parents.
What about when a child dies, or a father and husband? I have a dear friend who is almost sure she killed her husband. And another who is afraid that in choosing this life and these lessons (if we do so before our birth) she had a hand in the death of her young son.
I have friends who were abused by others – in their childhood, and in their recent past. The thought that they brought it upon themselves, or chose it, or attracted it… leads nowhere.
When I miscarried much-wanted siblings for Cameron, was it because I didn’t think the right thoughts? That leads ’round and ’round, doesn’t it? Especially if trying to get pregnant again.
Have we forgotten that SHIT HAPPENS, people?! (That’s another Universal Law, right?) We are not the sole creative force in the Universe. We don’t make the grass grow or the earth turn. But our attitude and perception affects the feeling state we are in, no? So if we want to be in a state that may attract love, joy, ease and peace, we have to check our perspective.
The perspective on life that I currently hold (I reserve the right to amend it at any time), and that gives me peace, is made up of a few key concepts:
- I am responsible for myself – my little piece of the Universe (my body), and my thoughts and actions.
- Life is kind – often showing me in others and in my experiences where I am not as loving as I could possibly be (inwardly or outwardly). Close relationships of my choosing, symptoms in my body and my financial situation are places I check for this kind mirror. There I am often shown previously hidden beliefs or feelings that I may want to release.
- My purpose is to be a force of love, to vibrate at the frequency of love – which is actually my natural state when all else is stripped away. Then I can most effectively offer to the world the gifts and talents that I brought into this lifetime.
- My thoughts and efforts co-create many experiences in my life. Some other events are the mixing of my piece of Life with others’. Some are created by < other forces / creators / karma / destiny / timing / God / nature / fairies >. They are all chances for me to grow spiritually, uplift, enlighten, learn… if I take the opportunity. It is not for me to judge them but to choose my reaction to them, take any lessons I can from them, and offer myself again from Love.
- Something is only “bad” because I labeled it as such. No, I don’t want children to die, or animals (or people) to suffer. By being a loving force in the world I aim not to contribute to suffering and hope to be open to ways I can serve and assist in alleviating it, however… when I hold a thought that something “shouldn’t have happened” or “shouldn’t be happening” I am in a state of resistance and struggle, not love. I can care, and help myself and others best, from a state of peace and acceptance.
- I am a tiny ray of the One Light – so I have tremendous power, and most likely many abilities and understandings yet untapped.
Yes, thoughts become things. Other things become things too.
So, let’s dream, intend, play, wish and bring forth into the world the desires of our hearts, manifesting unique creations filled with love.
And let’s accept, listen, learn, assist, help, hold lightly, awaken and live in the present in love… love… LOVE.
The pics link back to their posting on Imgfave
An essential message – beautifully written.
“Universal” and “Law” are two very powerful words. Surely we must be attracting this shit – it’s Universal Law! I think a disclaimer would make me feel better – “Universal Law of Attraction – unless there’s interference from other creative forces way beyond our control”
LOL :):):):):)
I like it, Fran!
Very nicely articulated, Lisa. People are carrying around way too much guilt, often for events that were totally out of their control. I don’t remember if I have ever heard SH described as a universal law (unless you count Murphy’s Law), but it is certainly true!
Thanks for reading, David.
Lisa, I found this terrific piece through our mutual friend Lori Portka (isn’t she terrific and talented?).
This message is so important. I’ve seen the law of attraction language used so destructively, and you’ve called a spade a spade here. Down with the blame and up with the love.
Hi! Yes, LOVE Lori! Thanks for reading, and taking time to comment. Up and up…